Action Items

From ipm2015 ilriwikis

IPM 2015 Action List -

NOTE - Please feel free to edit as you see fit. The dates indicated are suggestions!

# item responsibility due date
1 Reminder email to PL on presentations. To include:
- instructions on who to send presentations to or where to upload (dropbox/gdrive?)
- TOR for program leaders
Polly / Isabelle to send reminder
Email PPTs to Ben
Tuesday 5 May
2 Email to all staff on process and instructions for the virtual IPM Polly / Isabelle to send
Stuart & Ben to provide input on instructions wrt IPM site
Wednesday 6 May - First email
Friday 8 May - Reminder
Monday 11 May - IPM IS HERE - join the discussion type email
3 Email to staff to encourage participation Iain to send
Taskforce to draft
Tuesday 5 May
4 Presentations / Videos uploaded to IPM site Ben & CKM
5 Yammer post on virtual IPM Any IPM taskforce member Anytime
6 Record message from Jimmy Smith
- talking points needed
Paul Karaimu from CKM
Polly / Isabelle with input from team
7 Record message from Iain Wright
- talking points needed
Paul Karaimu from CKM
Polly / Isabelle with input from team
To be done on 7th May, 12.30, by Paul
8 Collection of documents and other resources to be included on site
- ILRI Science Strategy
- ILRI Strategy
Barbara & Nadine Monday 4 May
9 Debate room:
- Instructions for moderators needed
- Guidelines need to be drafted and posted on IPM site
Polly / Isabelle / Stuart
10 IPM taskforce members to be assigned duties Polly / Isabelle
11 IPM 2015 quiz circulated to staff Barbara & Raphael Thursday 7 May
12 IPM 2015 site goes live Ben
13 Design post IPM evaluation survey Barbara & Raphael to lead
14 Reserve Slot at IMC for ideas presentation Polly